Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ca'n't sleep!

Don't know why - but it's 6:09 a.m. and I'm wide awake!  Could it be that I've caught up on all my sleep???  Cecilia comes this morning to clean (so it must be Tuesday)! Tommy and I are going out for breakfast so we'll be out of her way.  I'm hoping we'll go to the school and find out more about when classes start.  I'm so ready to start "living" here and without the language it is just not possible.  There is a lady who works here on the farm with Tommy who is Dutch but speaks several languages (has her PhD in Botany!) and she asked me if I felt "left out" when she and Tommy are speaking!  I wanted to say, "Speak in English and I won't feel that way!!!"  Duh!  Being a sweet Southern girl I chose not to say anything!!!

The workers have had a 3-day weekend and will return to work today - some kind of national holiday.  His plants were closed also so not many phone calls, etc.  We went out to dinner on Friday night (to the same Spanish restaurant we went to the night before I left last time I was here).  It was wonderful knowing that this time I wasn't leaving.  We then worked in the yard around the house and stayed on the farm all weekend (to avoid the craziness of the locals on holiday).  A young couple (who used to work here on the farm) stopped by on Saturday evening with their 3-year-old son to bring Tommy a palm plant that he does not have here on the farm.  How nice is that?  PLUS - she speaks English (from Minnesota).  Her family moved here to Costa Rica and she has lived here for about 18 years and married a Tico (Costa Rican).  She is an artist and has painted here with the artist from France who lived here on the farm when she lived here!!  She has offered to come to the farm and teach me a little about using the dyes here and at the same time help me with the language!  Pretty cool - huh??

People "drop in" here on the farm the way we used to do when I was growing up in a small town.  Tommy says it's just by word-of-mouth.  It is usually students who are backbacking who are interested in  eco permaculture (or saving the earth)!  It's wonderful though - it's so nice to know that there are actually young people out there wanting to know more about how to live in this world without doing harm to living things.  Tommy has organized or planned tours of the farm but oftentimes they just show up to see the work he is doing here - it's so exciting!  This next Saturday will be my first "official" tour with a group of tourists.  After the tour is over I plan on serving warm gingersnaps with green tea to the group at the house - IF my baking skills improve here!!!  (Having a little problem with the altitude!)  It's always something, huh???  Well, that's just life on the farm!

Well the sun is rising now.  I'm sitting at a desk in front of a window overlooking jungle and the light is bouncing off the different colors of green.  There are squirrels (A little different, they're red and their tails look longer) and gorgeous birds playing outside.  I just love this place!  Think I'll go wake my "honey" and get this day started!!!  Have a great day...Love to all who read this!

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