Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ouch !

Well good way to learn about health care here in Costa Rica.  I broke a tooth!  Tommy took me to his dentist on Thursday and he and I decided there was no way it could be saved.  (The dentist in the States who did a root canal on it did not put a post in it and the tooth cracked!)  Anyway - he suggested that since he has an oral surgeon who comes to his office on Fridays that it would be best to come back and let him take care of it.  I was so scared but Tommy drove me all the way back on Friday (It's about a 30 minute drive) and the oral surgeon pulled the tooth.  Let me just say, "I'm so impressed!"  Now I've  been to the dentist all my life (have terrible teeth) and this guy was great!  One shot of novocaine and ZAP! -  tooth pulled!  No pain - no gas or valium or any other drugs!  And now for the great part - he only charged $75.00!!!!!  The dentist charged me nothing on Thursday!  Unbelieveable!!!  He gave me a prescription for pain meds - I took one when I got home (Not because I was in pain but just because he said to) and rested the rest of the day!!!  I just had to share this experience!

Now I feel great (after a Red Bull for breakfast) and I'm about to take my first official "tour" of the farm!  We have a group of about 20 touristas coming to visit this morning at 9:00 a.m. and it's 8:30 a.m.  Hasta manana!  Love and peace to all reading this!


Wilma said...

you're so dang old hippie:) Miss you but glad you're having the time of your life!

The Shepherds said...

been enjoying reading about your adventures! sounds fun!!